The Power of RE!
Many of us will begin the year 2021 by making a REsolution in one way or another, even if it is a vow not to make a REsolution. You are determined and have REsolved to do something new or different—a unique solution to an old problem, perhaps. The typical New Year’s REsolutions are around health and wellness, money, continuing education, family, travel, or whatever you feel needs to be Redone or have a Reboot of some sort.
With this REnewal process in mind, I will launch my next book in January titled: The Power of “RE”: An Inspirational Guide on How to REdo, REvise, and REsubmit for those Extra Chances in Life. I started thinking about how this little prefix, those two letters, have so much power in and around our daily life. I know it has power in and around my life.
According to the Oxford and Merriam Webster online dictionaries, RE is a prefix used to add the meaning “do again” to verbs. Which as we know, a verb is a word or phrase that describes an action, condition, or experience. We live in a world filled with activities that create a variety of lived experiences and situations. All of which might require some form of do-over where possible and or given the opportunity.
This inspirational guide is a word study of RE that includes reflective questions for you to respond to in a companion workbook that comes as a free digital download with the book’s purchase.
Here is a brief sample of what you will find inside:
The first word I want to explore is “REdeem,” along with the noun and adjective forms. Many would say that we have all been redeemed from something. Bob Marley wrote a song about the societal meaning of REdemption (take a good read of and listen to the lyrics of Redemption Song). Judeo-Christian’s consider REdemption a primary tenant of their sacred teachings - meaning to be saved from evil, sin, and suffering through the sacrifice of Jesus the Christ at the Cross - REdeemer.
Look at the various forms of the word REdeem and their meanings.
REdeem (Verb), REdemption (Noun), REdeemer, REdeeming (adjective)
Definition of REDEEM as a transitive verb:
· to buy back: REPURCHASE
· to get or win back
· to free from what distresses or harms
· to free from captivity by payment of ransom
· to extricate from or help to overcome something detrimental
· to release from blame or debt: CLEAR
· to free from the consequences of sin
· to atone for
· to change for the better: REFORM, REPAIR, RESTORE
· to exchange for something of value redeem
· to make good: FULFILL
Reflective Question:
Think about the meanings and the various contexts for the word REdeem. Where have you seen REdemption take place in your life?
Works Cited: Dictionary, 2020. Redeem, Redeemer, Redemption meaning in The Merriam-Webster Dictionary [online], Accessed 22 Dec. 2020
Dictionary, o., 2020. Redeem, Redeemer, Redemption meaning in The Cambridge English Dictionary. [online] Available at: <
redemption> [Accessed 22 December 2020].
I hope you enjoyed this snapshot of my next self-published book. You can preorder your copy now
This is so divinely connected. My rites of passage group just entered the season of Jirabu Tofauti (sp) "Do it different"!